Emerson was 1 of 400 opti (optimist class boat) sailors to qualify to compete for a national team spot. You have to be 14 years old or younger. More than 200 kids competed in the San Francisco Bay competition from Thursday to Sunday.
We are so proud of Ellery for keeping poetry alive. Ellery and her mom, Seraphim, were recently acknowledged during National Poetry Month in April, 2024.
Santa Barbara, Calif. – October 19, 2023 – Santa Barbara’s local independent schools Montessori Center School, Crane, Laguna Blanca, Riviera Ridge, and Santa Barbara Middle School hosted an anti-bias, antiracist parent webinar for their community members on October 18 with nationally-recognized antiracist educator, teacher, speaker, and advocate Britt Hawthorne. This marks the first collaboration among the five schools, jointly hosting a community discussion focused on social justice.
Marley's untitled poem was selected by a team of judges and U.S. poet laureate Ada Limón as the best entry in the K-12 category of the UCSB Arts & Lectures/Santa Barbara Independent poetry contest.
A group of 14 students from Santa Barbara Middle School embarked on a media journey of a lifetime. The students, also known as the SBMS Teen Press, will spend 10 days at the Santa Barbara International Film Festival interviewing some of the most influential people in the film industry.
On September 9, 2022, our SBMS 8th grade students were featured on News Channel 3-12. Students helped the Santa Barbara Bucket Brigade in their efforts to develop one of the largest humanitarian community gardens in the central coast. Experiential learning is at the core of the SBMS educational philosophy. This type of community service initiative is the perfect classroom for students to learn building and communication skills - all while giving back to the community.
Santa Barbara Middle School cultivates in our students passion for life and life-long learning, a deep sense of trust in themselves, strength and courage to succeed at life's challenges, and compassion and respect for others.